

Futsal is a fast paced indoor five-a-side football game. Its name comes from the Portuguese Futebol de salão, which can be translated as “room football” and originated in Uruguay in the 1930s.

Futsal was first introduced as a Maccabi sport in 2010. In 2011 Maccabi SA sent a team to compete at the Pan American Maccabi Games in Brazil, followed by the 2013 Maccabiah in Israel. Following 18 months of intense training and preparation, Maccabi SA participated for the first time at the European Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin, entering three futsal teams: Junior (u16), Open and Masters. The tournament was a great success for Team SA with the two older teams both reaching the semi-finals and winning bronze medals.

At the European Maccabi Games in Budapest in 2019, the u16’s narrowly missed out on gold in a hard fought match against Great Britain, while the u18’s who won bronze at the 2017 Games, did well to win the bronze again.


Futsal has become one of Maccabi SA’s most popular team sports, amongst both males and females. The programme has flourished, particularly in the Western Cape, thanks to the dedication of passionate Futsal convenors and coaches. Interest and participation has grown rapidly and numerous events and tournaments are held.

Maccabi SA enters leagues and holds training for Junior, Senior and Masters male players and also for Junior girls. The inaugural Girls Futsal League was successfully launched in Cape Town in October 2015 and plans to expand to Johannesburg.

Training has kicked off in the Cape, in line with Covid guidelines, in preparation for 2021 and the build up to the Games.

For more information on futsal, please contact Maccabi WP Sports Director/ Futsal Convenor Saul Jackson – sauljackson1997@gmail.com


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