The Israel Football Experience is a 7 month programme for females aged 18 - 23 years, where you will get to learn, train and play as a professional footballer in Israel.
Howz this for a totally AWESOME opportunity… ?!?!
The course is one of Maccabi World Union’s Yachad Maccabi Programmes and takes place from Oct 2021 – May 2022.
Based in Tel Aviv, the programme includes competing in the official Israeli Women’s football league, training in world class venues, getting an Assistant Coaching Certification from Wingate and attending a Basic Hebrew Ulpan, as well as touring Israel of course!
South Africans qualify for a scholarship through MASA Israel Journey, the global leader in immersive experiences in Israel.
If you are Jewish, 18 – 23 years old, play football and love Israel, please contact our Sports Director – and he will provide you with further info about the programme and how to apply. Deadline for applications is 31 July 2021.