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“Israel” Wins Epic Battle vs The Italians

On Wednesday 4 May 2016, a confident ‘’Israeli’’ team took on the mighty ‘’Azzurri’’ in a friendly soccer match at the Italian Sports Club in Milnerton, Cape Town. The match was played under floodlights and was well supported by friends & family. Both teams were represented by members of their respective communities who play soccer socially and/or at club level.
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Maccabi SA Football Hosts Selwyn Segal Team

On 21 April 2016 the Maccabi SA Junior Football squad hosted a training session and friendly matches for the Selwyn Segal Eagles at the Discovery Soccer Park. The event was part of the squad’s development programme as they prepare for the Maccabi games in Israel next July.
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We have created this section of the website specifically for the Jewish community to share your sporting news and achievements. There are so many talented persons of all ages accomplishing significant feats on the sports field, including competitive, traditional/extreme sports and recreational activities, and we would love to hear about it!

If you would like to share any sporting related results and success stories (including photographs), for example from any school, university, club, community, corporate, federation or social sports events, please email us on and we will share the nachas with the community.


“Israel” Wins Epic Battle vs The Italians

On Wednesday 4 May 2016, a confident ‘’Israeli’’ team took on the mighty ‘’Azzurri’’ in a friendly soccer match at the Italian Sports Club in Milnerton, Cape Town. The match was played under floodlights and was well supported by friends & family. Both teams were represented by members of their respective communities who play soccer socially and/or at club level.
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