
Maccabi SA first competed in squash at the 1977 Maccabiah and has attended every Games since except for 2001, winning medals at every event. They has been very successful in both team and individual categories, winning a host of medals particularly in the Masters age group.

Maccabi SA squash is based at Old Edwardians Squash Club in Houghton, Johannesburg and organises seasonal leagues for Junior and Open players and also competes in other leagues in the Masters category. The teams also have weekly fitness training, as well as social squash events to introduce more people to the sport.

The focus for the 2022 Games is on strengthening the Junior and Open teams. Keep an eye on tour website and social media for info on 2022 Maccabiah trials and preparations.

For more information on squash, please contact Maccabi SA Squash Convenor Jeff Shulman – squash@maccabi.co.za